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 Carnival of Masks17.12.2024 12:00

If you are in a good mood, there is always a reason to celebrate! That is what the tireless entertainers and cheerful stunners, who amuse Faeo residents with their performances think. The beautiful  Nadilarie, who cannot stand the boredom and dismay, and the cheerful  Sheamus, a man, who exchanged his satisfied life for the chainless travels with the troop tradesmen, decided to cheer up the residents of Ogriy and Khair with the exciting event – Carnival!

Nadilarie Sheamus

For such event to happen you will need a huge amount of various masks. Where can one get so many materials to make them? You need to help  Nadilarie and  Sheamus – they will tell you where to find these parts. 


You won't be able to complete their tasks alone though! Communicate with your friends, exchange information, help the newbies... In the end, carnival is held for friendly communication. As a reawrd you will be generously rewarded - you will be able to choose one of the bright masks for yourself, that was created with your help.

Mask, I know you!Three masks are better than one!Masquerade is a mask parade!Being masked is my destiny

However, even when you receive deserved reward don't rest. Continue collecting required resources and receive small souvenir masks.


In the curiousity shop you will be able to exchange them for Sack of Red Axes Emblems and Sack of Gems. First contains 15 Red Axes symbols, second - 50 rainbow stones.

Remaining masks can be exchanged for great memorable gifts.

You can see the duration of the event in the game interface «Events»,
in the 
«current events» tab.

  - Read about the event in game library

Note the latest change: You now have access to the item Special Mask. You can obtain it by giving  Nadilarie or  Sheamus five times the amount of resources. The cold face of this bright mask hides the mysterious Incognito, who will hand you a Magical Knife.

The Mask will help me!Under the mask’s patronageLord of the MasksThe mask was no help!Renouncing the mask

Complete quests by fighting monsters or enemies in chaotic battles. Collect success points and special Carnival Coin that you can spend on useful items in the rarity store. Destroying 50 monsters earns you Carnival Coin 10 pieces, victory in the chaotic battle earns you Carnival Coin 30 pieces and Carnival Bag of Scalps 1 piece, losing this one earns you Carnival Coin 10 pieces.

Please note: The reward for winning or losing a chaotic battle and for killing 50 monsters can only be used once per day. The Magical Knife can be used for 14 days. 


The fate of the Carnival is in your hands!
Author: Showpiece, editor note: Showpiece

11. Zeitlos 17.12.2024 19:00
@7: This will not happen. Mystras resources take much less time collecting.­ Mystras monsters drop the glass pearls though.
12. Mighty_Warlord 17.12.2024 22:11
Ive turned in 5x and new way quests just wants me to end it?? idk what to­ do...not very clear...
13. Mighty_Warlord 17.12.2024 22:21
FOR ANYONE needing!!! you have to end quest then re-choose special­ mask then turn in 5x ress.... since this is unclear af and all this­ did is waste my god damn time
14. -CyberPunk- 18.12.2024 11:25
One tip (learned in a hard way): when you collect the ingredients, better­ collect 20 pcs at once, since there will be a daily quest from the jester after­ you finished the initial one. The same ingredients will be required again and­ again.
15. Karzam 18.12.2024 16:00
does anyone know what flower is needed from the store for the mask event?
16. -Sana- 19.12.2024 10:49
@Karzam Wild Lily, you can find more info about where to find all the items­ here:
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