Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

The DarkSide





Our clan is one that is based on loyalty and respect towards one another and others in game. This is how we’ve earned our respect from other clans and players and we expect all clan members to act in such manner. If you wish entry, you must read the guidelines below and agree to abide by them.

Obey all game rules (Chat/Game/Trade)

- Loot stealing will NOT be tolerated. We expect anyone who joins a fight by mistake to block and apologize and then afterwards offer the coin for the drop. Any member found to be stealing loot purposely from other human players will be expelled from clan.
- If you are threatened/bullied by another player in game, you do NOT reply in kind. You keep calm and stay polite to try to diffuse the situation and bring it immediately to the attention of clan council/leader. WE as a clan will deal with it together.

Helping others:
- IF a player is calling for help and you are within 2 locations and the fight is “winnable” (i.e. mob is within 2 levels), we ask that you do your best to help as there will be times when you need help in return.
- IF you go to Plateau for any reason, you do so at your own accord. Clannies are NOT expected to rush there to get involved in major battles with executioner mages.
- When grouping for instances/mobs, it’s up to the discretion of the leader of the group to distribute items or come to an agreement with the people in the group ahead of time on who gets what or how items are to be distributed.
- When joining a great battle to FIGHT, you MUST join with blessings and fight. IF you are joining to res (bless not required) most likely Resurrection Scroll/Dispel for a high level and a healing scroll for the person you resurrect and optionally a poison/purification scroll for an enemy in the fight. Failure to do so may get you executed by one of those “high level” in that Great Battle.

MANDATORY: Clan Oracle must be completed. Only exception is if its a Mage Only task. Group together. Get it done, No excuses.

Clan Tax/Castle Wraiths/Inactivity:
Clan taxes fee will be following:
Non-Mage = 1g and 1 Evil Eye, Mage = 1g and 2 incarnum OR 1g and 2 centrido

- This money goes towards clan benefits and future Clan items (Banners/Healing potions and scrolls/Executioner scrolls and Clan quest items)
- Healing potions and Lost Soul PAID by clan IF you were in human lands and attacked by magmar or human. IF you raid or in neutral areas, thats on you to pay.
*** Paying money to clan bank for using clan items is not paying clan tax and NO you can't pay taxes months ahead, any extra is considered a donation to clan bank***
*** You MUST notify designated Council when you pay your clan tax/castle wraith fee at the 1st of each month ***

Castle Wraith fees: (After 12+ years of castle, we're tired and done with castle, we no longer go)

- IF you are to be away for more than 2 weeks, you MUST notify council so we know or you might end up expelled for inactivity. Anyone 3 weeks+ Inactivity can be expelled at anytime so be smart, let council know your going to be away.

Items to be kept in clan:
Evil Eyes, Skulls, Fossils/Relics, Crystalline Coal, Gnome Runes, Quest items – NO exceptions as clan needs these items to be strong. You can sell to friends in Exchange. Anyone selling to general auction may be expelled from clan.
- Anyone buying items from clannies to “resell” for a profit outside of clan will be expelled. Being a clan member, you are given lower pricing than normal to make your game play more available to you. Don’t abuse this.

ENJOY YOURSELF!!!! This is a game and supposed to be fun!

The DarkSide Clan (Created by Sith/Scooboo/Wolfie/Psy/Red)
Clan was founded on March 28, 2011
Clan upgrade started on April 2nd, 2011
Achieved Level 2 status - April 11th, 2011
Achieved Level 3 status - September 10th, 2016
Achieved LEGENDARY CLAN STATUS - July 18, 2017

Within The DarkSide, I am reborn,
I feel no weakness, as I am powerful.
I will not break, as I am indestructible.
I have no fear, as I am unbeatable.
I will never die, as I am immortal.
I am never alone, as The DarkSide is within me.
- The DarkSide Creed